Photograph #26: Angels & Heroes

That man in the middle being interviewed is Kevin Oldham, a Waukegan, IL fireman who passed away from cancer shortly after his time at the Bassmasster Classic in New Orleans. Gerald Swindle had just brought him in his Bass boat into the weigh-in arena and up onto the stage. The entire place erupted into applause for Kevin. It is still very hard for me to look at this photo without getting emotional so here, copied and pasted, is the last interview I did with Kevin:

“db, I am a very religious man and looking forward to God, my savior. But db, what if there isn't really a God, or Heaven? What if? What do you think?"

I never talk politics.

I never talk religion.

I never answer that question. But I have never been asked it by a man who, deep inside, knew time was the one gift B.A.S.S. and Wired2Fish couldn't give him.

So I answered.

I told him I thought he was God.

In an empty Sheraton Hotel restaurant, I reached across the interview table, held his hand in mine, and said, "God is love, God is spirit; God is forgiveness, laughter, joy ... but above all, to love and to be loved is to have the heart of God beat in your chest."

Kevin: "I don't care how I sound now, if I want to tell all my friends and family that I love them, I do now. I tell them now that I love them. I've never done that before. And, they tell me they love me."

And Kevin, my friend, that is Heaven.”

Over the years I’ve done thousands of interviews, you forget most, you remember a few, this one…

…ETCHED…in my soul.

May he rest in peace…and a huge shout out to all those who made those very special days happen for Kevin…God Bless my friend, God Bless.

Photograph #27: The Road

In 14 years, I averaged about 50,000 miles a year on the road…went through 3 vehicles, began with a Mini Van, then a 4Runner, Class C RV, and finally a big arse Tundra Crew Max.

Some years I would leave home in February and come back in April. I took a bunch of planning…and a backseat full of clothes.

Good thing I enjoy driving, did miss my family though, my wife did come along when she had vacation time from work.  Both kids would show up when the gigs were up North here.

To be honest, in all those miles, in all those days behind the wheel I never once had a problem from anyone…a long haired hippie looking dude with Connecticut plates driving all over the South alone…NEVER AN ISSUE.

It’s not the drives that are etched in my soul…

…it’s how respectful all the people I met along the way were to me…


Photograph #28: Family…James Niggemeyer & Family

It was Lake Champlain; ESPN had signed me up to be a Co-Angler.  

I had no idea what a Co-angler was or did. 

I was Co-Angling with a young man, an ELITE young man, James Niggemeyer.  In that photo of me in the boat with James he is telling me we are launching in Plattsburgh, but we are going to fish in Ticonderoga. 

I forget how far that is via water. 

He is telling me it is going to be bumpy. 

James Niggemeyer is also an understated young man. 

I was once a Co-Angler. 

I lasted a day. 

I’m in the record books. 

James and his family, on land, became close family, still are, those children are grown up now, neither James, nor his wife Sandy seem to age. 

I parked our RV next to them, I stood in campground cement bathrooms with them during tornado warnings. 

Barb and I parked our RV at their home in Texas, met Sandy’s parents. 

James and I would call and talk with each other on long drives between tourneys. 


The whole family is…Elite. 


Photograph #29: American Pastoral

Most of my career I have seen America at 20,000 feet, BASS gave me the opportunity to see it on two feet…my two feet.

From the East Coast to the West Coast.

North to South, Mid-West to Mid-Atlantic, the Great Plains, the Everglades, the Great Rivers and Lakes.

Large towns, small towns, highways and byways.

I hugged America, and America hugged back.

Get close to America, all of it and all who live in it.

I am 2nd generation American, both sets of my grandparents immigrated here, they did so for their children, my parents.

Italian, Irish, German, my block.

Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, my block.

Blue collar, White Collar, my block.

See America at two feet if you can.

Introduce yourself.

American Pastoral.

Photograph #30: For The Win

Stephan Browning & Family

Photographs 31-35 coming soon