Photograph #1
The Photograph that changed everything
It is simply the photograph that changed me from a “Journalist” to a “writer.” Over hundreds and hundreds of photographs of sports and athletes, of baseballs and footballs, of men of the game, of women of the game, this photograph is the first picture I ever took of a child of those who play the game. It is not just some lucky random shot, I took the photo while sitting with her parents, sitting in an RV park between their RV…and MINE. I held this child as a baby, this child kissed my cheek…it is this photo, seared onto my soul that changed everyrthing and therefor has to be PHOTOGRAPH #1.
Photograph #2: Huck
The Mighty Mississippi
Every time I flew over the Mississippi River I would look down in hopes of a quick glance of Huck. As a child my Aunt Erma would read me the words of Mark Twain, always pointing out that at one time he was the editor of the Buffalo Express Newspaper.
She was proud of the “newspaper man” and the Buffalo connection, I had no idea what it meant until later on in life, weird spin in that Twain left Buffalo to move to Hartford around 1874, that home about 10 miles from our home.
I took this photograph from the banks of the Mississippi, took the picture put the camera back into the truck, walked down the boat launch ramp to the water’s edge, bent over and scooped up in my hands the river of Twain.
Looked around, saw no one, but still whispered this:
“Thank you, Aunt Erma, for all the bedtime stories.”
Love, Donnie.
Photograph #3: The Young Man Who Stood
During a sound check at the Bassmaster 50th Classic a young woman soldier took to the stage to set the sound levels for when she would sing the National Anthem.
The arena was empty except for roadies doing final prep for the first weigh-in.
Empty except for a 12 year old boy who sat in a folding chair next to his grandfather on the floor of the arena.
In a moment I will never forget when the soldier on stage started singing, it was only practice to get the levels set, when she sang the National Anthem this young man stood up, him alone, placed his hand over his heart and stood tall and strong until the sound check and the song was finished.
The photo showed me that no matter how much we adults screw this country up with meanness, politics and lies, those that come after us will honor America.
Will save it.
God bless this young man, there is hope.
Photograph #4: YOU!
Lets be honest, I never would have lasted at BASS without your support, had not you read my stories, became part of my social media, I would have been out the door very quickly. ESPN bought me a couple years there, you on the other hand bought me 14 years. Your support and your readership is the currency of the media business, advertisment is bought on how many eyes are on whatever it is that is for sale. What you read, what you watch, what you are a fan of, are passionate about makes you the money shot. I never wrote anything alone, you were always in my heart as I sat down, strapped on the headphones and Air-Guitar, and danced around a hotel room trying to put the best story I could for…YOU.
Photograph #5: The Last Shot
My Last Bassmaster Classic Photograph
Hank Cherry and family, Bassmaster Classic Champion taking a victory lap around the stadium.
I didn’t know it at the time, but the 2020 Classic would be my last, my contract carried me past this one and on, but COVID hit and shut everything down including me.
And it was done.
I was on my way out of the auditorium but before going through the curtain and into the backstage bowels for some reason I just stopped, turned around, saw this and snapped the photo.
Looking back, I think it was for the best that I didn’t know then that it was over.
From 2008 until 2020 I had center stage for all those Classics, it was my job, but it was a blessing as well.
Here’s a tip: If you want to one day be a Champion, hang with Champions.
If I be allowed to have a wish for you that wish would simply be this: May your name, may your legend hang within the rafters of your family.
May you be their Champion.