fish with db live studio: The Family of Us

The family, of us

Every person you know.

Every person you have ever met.

Every person you have ever seen, heard about, read about, every one of them…

…you are related to.

Human Genome research has proven that each one of us is related to every other human being who has ever walked on this planet.

Every person you love, every person you hate, every person you don’t care much about or have never even heard of…is a relative.

Every human has 3 BILLION genome pairs that make us…us.  Of those 3 BILLION pairs you and the guy, or woman, next to you share 99.9% of the same genome pairs.

Under our skin we are as same as “humanly” possible.

“the family, of us,” is all of us, and the only us in our solar system, the only us found in our interplanetary exploration, the only us we’ve heard a peep from in the universe.

“the family, of us,” pretty much the definition of a Miracle.

“And in the end

the love you take

is equal to the love

you make.”

The End

The Beatles

It is within my heart that even after 3+ decades as a journalist that I still believe that all of us are more alike than we are different.

I think the problem is, we just don’t know each other…

…and so the purpose of The Family of Us (LIVE) is to introduce you to some folks I’ve met along the way, people you might not get to meet in every day stuff, but people who I believe are extraordinary in what they do, and who they are. I hope to bring to you people I’ve met in my travels, people who I now call friends. I will give you a short back story on each but I mainly want you to dial in and watch, and listen.

I don’t believe in hocus pocus miracles, but I do believe in the miracle of us, the miracle of life, the miracle of love.

We all we got.

We all we got on this very tiny blue dot in the blackness of the universe.

We all we got to protect, to provide, to help and to serve each other.

The debut of The Family of Us: Live begins on 9/18/22…here’s who will be LIVE that night.

Bruce Whitmire from Texas who brought fresh water to villages in Africa.

9/18/22: 8pm EST

Access to fresh drinking water is not universal on Earth. In Africa 1 in 3 people face water scarcity.

400-million people in Sub-Saharan Africa lack access to basic drinking water.

Bruce set out to help change that by going to local villages in Africa and drilling for water…

…wait until you hear him talk about that experience. These photos are from his work there.