Humanity, as we sit today roughly 300,000 years into Homo Sapiens, a case could be made that, we, have always been like this.
H. Sapiens, us, shorter in species existence than H. Neanderthalensis by 200,000 years, several 100,000 years shorter than H. Erectus.
Basically, still new to this thing called “humanity”, and still dangerous.
I believe deep down, and I’m not proud of it, that we call ourselves a “civilization” when in fact the “civil” part may seem debatable.
I believe encoded in our DNA , small bits of Tribalization sometimes rears it’s ugly head.
Many of us can control that, many of us have more encoding for “civil” in us, those of us who care, those of us who have empathy, have spirituality, have love within our being.
My guess is that somewhere in our existence way down the line, maybe millions of years down the line, we, us, will evolve into H. Lovesis, and that those folks will poses the true capacity to “love one another,” that not all of us currently seem to possess.
Free will, in it’s current state, allows this to happen because not all of us have the guard rails needed to be “civil” in a “lization.”
I do though have hope for us because I believe many of us, millions of us, are a bit further along in the evolutionary process and that has allowed whatever gene it is that embodies “Love” to exist within us.
Those of us who are horrified by the other ones of us who kill, who have others kill, who seek power over compassion, wealth over benevolence, “me” over “we,” are proof that there is hope for all of us.
But maybe not now, not quite yet there.
Never lose faith in humanity because within us, all of us, is the capacity to LOVE.
To beat this, hate.
As long as there is just one of us with the capacity of LOVE within left standing, humanity has a chance.
You, me, those we love and those who love us back, we have within us the spark that will drive the future of our species.
LOVE WINS, because the future of humanity is already out there waiting for us to catch up, time is a spiral and we are coming into the good curve soon.
Believe in those of us who love and care, duck from all the others.
Do not believe that life is a zero-sum game, it seems to be now, but doesn’t have to be, once we all know that we won’t murder each other.
Once we know all that we won’t kill the most innocent of us.
We won’t kill the future that lives amongst us, our children and their children and…
Hope this helps some man, be who you are, be who your family is, stay strong, keep love in your heart and words…
…it’s the only way we will survive this.
Believe in us.
Help us.
And pray.