Box Score
Stuff You May Not Know
Born 85 years ago in Cherryville, NC to Earl & Bertha Eaker, one of three children. His brother and sister, along with his parents have since passed.
Three sport athlete in high school: Tight End in Football, Outfield in Baseball, on the court in basketball.
Former Supervisor at Carolina Freight.
America Bass State Champion.
1979 Joined Bassmaster as a Tournament Angler.
40 Years as a Bassmaster Elite Angler.
317 Total Tournaments
96 Top 30 Finishes
10 Classic Appearances.
2011 Induction into the Bass Fishing Hall of Fame.
Fished with 2 United States Presidents: George Bush & George W. Bush.
Currently fishing the Bassmaster Opens.
Married 62 years to Patricia who passed 3 years ago.
Two adult children: Guy Eaker Jr & Carla
Has a pet parrot, Polly, for 34 years.
Cultivates 515 Azaleas on his property.
“A cup of coffee…”
I have known Guy Eaker now for about 15 years or so, asked some questions but mainly listened to what he had to say.
He speaks slowly and distinctively and never down to whom it is he is talking with.
Details are his friend as is openness of his life on and off the water.
Manners are his way of life, integrity, love of family and fishing, are as well.
In my mind to be a LEGEND you need to transcend your circumstances, there are lots of people out there doing great things, but greatness alone does not a LEGEND make.
Over the years I’ve dealt with many LEGENDS, I learned, maybe late to the game, that it will never be the questions you ask that will reveal their path to legendary stature, but in fact it will be in the LISTENING that will be the tell. So, it was with Guy Eaker.
In the middle of our chat Guy starts talking about one of the fishing tournaments of his early career, I forgot where it was and through what organization it was with, I was listening, but I wasn’t writing it down.
And then his voice changed.
“…my co-angler in the back of the boat, he brought with him a large thermos of coffee, he was taking a break, poured himself some coffee and kept asking me if I wanted some. I was in the front of the boat, not doing very well, could have used a break, he kept asking and I finally just said I couldn’t that I needed to catch a fish, needed a fish…”
A pause, I can hear him breathing, I know that whatever it is that is coming next is the moment…
“…and then db on my next cast I landed a 9 pounder and that fish, THAT FISH is why I sit here today in the career I do, in the life I have…”
Silence, as it always is when the person speaking pinpoints the moment in time that changed everything. To me those moments are why you do this job.
“…db I’m here because of a cup of coffee.”
The moment the legend began was when Guy Eaker said no to a cup of coffee, and yes to staying put and doing his job of…fishing.
Hyperfocus on why he was there.
Now comes 10 questions and his non-edited responses.
Within his answers I hope you find the equivalent of your “cup of coffee” moment.
To become a LEGEND awaits us all, hope this helps you seize the moment when it comes your way.
10 Questions, 10 Answers with Guy Eaker
1: What would you do the same when it comes to playing the game?
“I would probably do more in researching the lake that I will be
fishing in all of my national tournaments. The more you know about the
lakes the more you will be able to cover. Studying is key in
everything you do.”
2: What would you do differently when it comes to playing the game?
“Spend more time on the water researching the lake, even before the cutoff.”
3: What’s your favorite part of playing the game?
“The reason I love fishing is because I love competition, fishing new
lakes, traveling and just being around everything that fishing has to
4: What’s your least favorite part of playing the game?
“Traveling - Driving part of the Tour. The drama involved in the fishing world.”
5: Best memory?
“The best memory I have experienced in my fishing career is probably
fishing with George Bush and his son. The memories that were made
those days are ones I will never forget.”
6: What does it take to be a champion in the game?
“To be a champion in the sport of bass fishing it takes aggression on
the water, studying the lakes, Grit, Dedication and Drive are huge
7: What advice do you have for those who want to get into the game?
The advice that I would give to those that want to get into the game
is that it's not all about fishing, you have to be willing to promote
your sponsors, attend sponsors events and many other things that come
with being a pro besides just being out on the water.
When I started it was 60% fishing and 40% promoting and now days its
70% promoting and 30% fishing
8: What advice do you have for those currently in the game?
“Those that are currently in the game I would say keeping a good
reputation in the industry is a key piece. There are always 3 things
that I live by: Honesty, Caring and Compassion for your competitors.”
9: Do you miss the game?
“Yes, I miss the full experience of being on the major tournament trail
but I still participate in the currents pro circuit as of right now.”
10: What did the game do for you?
”The game brought me many friends, traveling around the world that I
never thought I would never get to do what I get to do, Sponsors to do
this fishing for a living and getting hooked up with Earl Bentz in
which I have been friends with for over 48 years.”
“Remember, kid, there’s heroes and there’s legends. Heroes get remembered, but legends never die. Follow your heart, kid, and you’ll never go wrong”