Column #1: I Know Who Wins The Classic

You Wanna Know Who Wins The Classic…

…It’s YOU!

You the fan…win!

“Was in the spring…”

I’m going to tell you a secret, something I’ve done for almost 20 years now, or at least as long as there have been cellphones/iTunes and earphones. At every event I’ve covered, be it on the sidelines, be it in the press box, be it on the stadium floor I have a ritual I do. EVERY TIME. EVERY PLACE.

I watch you come into the event, I stand somewhere off to the side and watch, watch you look for your seat, watch you get comfortable, watch you talk with the person you came in with.

I see you laugh, smile, giggle, I see how happy you are to be in this place at that time. In fact, you are the fuel that kept me going all these years, your positive energy lifted me.

As I stood there watching, cell phone in my pocket, earphones in my ears, stood watching the seats fill up, one song played over and over again, looped and looped.

If you saw me you might have seen my foot tapping, not out of nerves but to the song, and that song was always this:

“…and Spring became Summer…”

…Sweet Caroline.

Yep…Neil Diamond always led you in.

It began way back at a Red Sox game, some sort of story, can’t remember who or what, I do though remember though the fans in the stands, singing, swaying to the music, smiles, laughs.

So yeah, Neil Diamond, what can I say.

“…who’d believe…”

I don’t know who wins The Classic on the water, but I do know who wins The Classic in the seats, I saw it for 14 years, IT’S YOU.

You also win in the Expo, yeah you get free stuff here and there, but you get to see the industry up close, you get to meet those folks who make the stuff you buy, you get to ask them questions, try things out, you win there because it puts faces on the products.

Take your time in the Expo it’s a very special place, and it is there for you.

“…you come along...”

If you can, it may be hard to know who is, but if you see a BASS Staff person, say thanks, trust me when I tell you they have been working on making your experience great FOR MONTHS.

The total number of hours spent on The Classic is astonishing.  I’ve been to a lot of events BUT I’ve never been to any that have so few people doing so much for the fans, the Press and the players.

A word of THANKS to those working the gig will go a long way.

“…good times never seemed so good…”

Support if you can the advertisers who float this sport.  Most are working stiffs like you, or me, just trying to get by paying mortgage, college bills, food, gas, you know the drill.

Ain’t no millionaires standing in those booths or handing you a soft drink or hot dog.

Struggle is real even behind the glamor of it all, help if you can, respect given is respect returned.

“…I’ve been inclined…”

And of course enjoy the event and honor those athletes who play it, and their families who are sitting amongst you in the seats.

Never forget the families, to me they are the backbone of this, and every, sport.

I won’t be there this year, but I already know who won…


Should Sweet Caroline play…hug who you came with and sing loud.

Real Loud.

“…to believe they never would…”

Have fun.

Be safe.

Keep music in your ear.

Tap your feet.

And look around.

At the smiles of strangers.

Yeah we all win at The Classic, I’ve seen it over and over again.

And I smile…too.

“…but now I.”

Sweet Caroline


